
Welcome to the Manor!
If you have any questions, feel free contact me at any time.
Useful Links:
Bot Commands
Stream Rewards
Manor Wiki

About Me

EST. March 2018
. . .
Hello, this is Miyou!
I am a self-taught artist whose works consist primarily of semi-realistic pinups and detailed traditional illustrations. My portfolio includes plenty of fanart as well as original art.I'm currently working with other creators to develop a fantasy universe with the focus of bringing original characters with unique tales together to tell a story.My goal is to collaborate with people with diverse cultures and backgrounds together to create kinship amongst artists from around the world.I believe that artists who sincerely empathize with others always create the best bodies of work, though there's nothing wrong with occasionally designing something beautiful just for the sake of aesthetics.It's my dream to make Miyou's Manor a place where people are remembered for the hidden gems they create.

Social Media

If you enjoy my art, please consider following me on your preferred platforms!
Leaving likes, commenting, and sharing not only supports the community,
but also motivates me to continue doing what I love.
For business inquiries, feel free to message me on my socials.
I'm most active on Cara and Discord!

Email Address:



  • !bttv - Displays all the BTTV emotes. You can add them to your channel for free!

  • !checkstats - View your level, xp, and gold.

  • !commission - View my commission information.

  • !ffs - Shouldn't Miyou be sleeping by now? Check the time in PST!

  • !fight [user] [amount] - Challenge another viewer to a duel!

  • !help - Brings you right here to this page.

  • !lurk - Adds you to the list of lurkers. Automatically removed when chatting.

  • !lurkers - View the list of lurkers on the stream.

  • !merch - Purchase prints, stickers, and more from my shop!

  • !mob - Displays more info about the current mob.

  • !redeem [reward_type] - Redeem a reward. (Example: !redeem random_title)

  • !rewards - View the available rewards.

  • !roll [amount] - Spin the Slot Machine.

  • !socials - See all my social media links.

  • !steal [amount] - Snag some gold from the Undead Guardian. Beware, if you get caught you'll have to pay up.

  • !wiki - Display the link to the Manor Wiki site.

  • pew - Unleash a devastating attack on the active monster.


  • !so [username] - Shoutout to other streamers.


  • !kill - Obliterates the current mob. Partial rewards are distributed based on viewer contribution.

  • !spawn [monster] - Calls upon the dark forces to release a monster into the streamer's domain.


I'm YumiDroid, the stream manager for Miyou's channel.
You can find me in chat when we're live. Make sure you participate in chat because there's a ton of great benefits!

Stream Currency

Watch for 10 mins (10)Watch for 15 mins (?)Watch for 5 mins (10)
Follow the Channel (50)Random Events (?)Open Chests (50)
Subscribe (350)Defeat Monsters (?)Participate in Raids (250)
Tip (100/1$)Gamble (?)Follow the Channel (300)
Cheer (100/100bits) Subs x2Gifted by Me (?)Cheer (350)
-Complete Challenges (?)Subscribe (350)
--Watch Streak Bonus (Up to 450)
--Gamble (?)


Shards - StreamElements
Giveaways! May include prints, stickers, shirts, or other merch.
Extremely rare so be sure to collect as many as possible for higher chances of winning!
Gold - YumiDroid
Get custom titles and entry into other spontaneous events!
Keys - Channel Points
Sound Alerts, Bonald Donk, Exchange for XP/Gold, Live Art Critiques,
Interactive Stream Changes, Role Changes, and More!


Please click the link below to browse my available services!
*Before hiring me, please read the terms of service below.


I will not accept your commission if it contains any of the following:
- Furries
- Gore/Vore
- Nudity/Pornography/Rape
- Mecha
- Hate
- Religion
- Politics
- Extreme Kinks
You are paying for the service, therefore any charges incurred are based on time spent, not the product itself unless stated otherwise. Payments shall be made in full as I don't accept 50/50 payments.
Prior to any work being done, you are welcome to send me unlimited updates to your commission request following the service guidelines. Major changes are only permitted during the sketch phase. I will ask for confirmation to begin rendering and if accepted, any following revision requests will be within my jurisdiction.
Commissions will be done on my timeline, however, I will notify you if I plan on taking breaks or of any impediments. Time spent on artworks from start to finish depend on the level of complexity.
You Will Receive:
- Files in the Google Drive (Specified Email)
- Unwatermarked 300 DPI Image File
Acceptable Use Includes:
- Printing for Self-Decoration
- Using as Wallpapers / Profile Pictures
- Displaying on Streaming Sites (w/ Proper Credit)
- Non-Promotional Decorations for Social Media
- Reference for Non-Commercial Artworks / Commissions
If the commission is not posted anywhere on my social media, you may not display the image in any public space either online or offline without my permission.INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS
I hold the rights to any commissions/artwork. Therefore, I am allowed to use the copyrighted artwork to promote, display, sell, or redistribute the artwork wherever I want. You may request for the artwork to be confidential (meaning I will not stream/post any part of the commission process in a public space), however, it will incur an additional fee.
As my client, you may not use the artwork for commercial purposes, including NFTs, with the exception of stream assets ordered through this form. You are also responsible for obtaining the rights to all intellectual property requested in the commission. You may not sell, modify, or claim ownership of the artwork.If the character you request does not already exist, it will become my intellectual property. Limited rights will be given to you as the client. If you plan to use a design for a 2D/3D model, please ask for permission in advance.REFUNDS
I reserve the right to refuse or cancel a commission at any time. In the event that a cancellation occurs, you may be entitled to a refund proportional to the amount of work I've already completed or the full amount if I haven't started. If you file a chargeback, all rights to the artwork are revoked and you will be blacklisted.
The following social media platforms are the best way to contact me.
 - Cara @miyou 
 - Discord @miyoutv 
 - Email miyou.tv@gmail.com